Since 1858
We are B.B.
Since 1858
We are B.B.
Since 1858
We are B.B.
Since 1858
We are B.B.
Since 1858
We are B.B.
Since 1858
We are B.B.
Since 1858
We are B.B.
Since 1858
We are B.B.
Since 1858
We are B.B.
Since 1858
We are B.B.
Since 1858
We are B.B.
Since 1858
We are B.B.
Welcome to Band of Brothers Cricket Club
When the Band of Brothers (known throughout Kent as `B.B.') was founded in 1858 Queen Victoria had only been twenty-one years on the throne. The evolution from round-arm to over-arm bowling was hardly completed, and the playing dress of the period would have appeared to our present-day ideas to be extremely unsuitable.
Into this age was born `The Brethren'